How to order

    Our database contains thousands of models of covers and bags.

  Please note: by saying a "cover"- we mean a dust cover, that does not fully enclose the device, while by saying a "bag", "soft-bag" or "soft-case" we mean a cover that fully encloses the device.

  After checking the "Products" section - please let us know what exatly model is the device you need a cover or bag for. If we don't have it already in stock - we'll mail and request you to complete a scheme with the exact dimensions for the model. Once we have all dimensions data we need - we'll make your cover lightning fast. Usually we need a day or two to complete an order from a scratch and get it shipped.

  You will also have to let us know what logo-embroidering you'd like for your cover and where exactly to place it. If you decide to request your own custom logo - we'll need you to provide us with a picture of it or even better - with a processed vector file (.CDR, .EPS, .AI). A vector file would work best and save us a lot of time during the process.

  The logo embroidering attached to your cover is fully customizable and FREE of charge! If you need additional colors - please ask.

  Depending on the model of the requested cover and the shipping destination - we'll give you our best price and find the cheapest (and fastest) way to ship it to you.

  If you have an additional option request - please let us know.

  If you don't need some of the offered by default standard options - please let us know and we'll skip them (if possible) while making your cover.

  You can fully customize what you are ordering from us. So don't hesitate to ask - whatever you might have in mind - share it with us and we'll be happy to help!

  We accept PayPal payments only.

  To place your order - please mail us to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.